
Over six years ago we stepped foot on Honduran soil for the first time - our vision trip. During our few short days here, we were taken out to Armenia Bonito to view a piece of property that was being considered for purchase. The vision of a church, clinic and school was shared with us. Less than a year after that initial trip we moved to La Ceiba and John began managing the work of developing the aforementioned buildings.  In the past five years the LORD has ordained a path that has held many twists and turns. He doesn't always allow us to see a lot of details of His plan. But, we continue to walk in His ways, with His guidance, trusting in His faithfulness.

The clinic is thriving! What a joy to see that the LORD took a one day a week mobile clinic run by missionaries and has developed it into a full clinic run by our national partner, Dr, Roger Guillen. In our human eyes, it's a great success story.

The Church - our human eyes don't see as much of a success story. Before construction was ever completed on the Church we had to shut down all work due to a lack of funding. Then, to our devastation, our national pastor, Jesus, informed us he was quitting the pastorate. So, we have a half constructed church building and no pastor. Doesn't seem like a success in our eyes.

The School. The same year that the school was opened was the same year that the government decided to revise the country's education system. This has added to many problems in opening and sustaining the school.  Tiresome work, both mentally and physically, have been done by many to give the school the best chance to thrive. After months of seeking counsel and prayer, we had to make a very hard decision today.  We will not open the school for the 2016 school year.  We feel a peace that this is the leading of the LORD. But, it is hard. Today I had to tell the director and teachers that they no longer have a job. Today the teachers began calling the current enrolled students to inform them that the school would be no longer. Today I looked into the teary eyes of three of our best students and my heart wept. All I could do was put my hands on their faces and whisper in their ears, "The LORD has a plan for you." This doesn't seem like a success to me.

BUT - my hope is in the King of kings and LORD of lords. What He deems as success is not measured by human standards. Our LORD came to this earth, had 12 disciples (one who sold him out and one who denied him), only had three years in ministry before he was hung on a cross.  In human eyes it doesn't seem very successful.  But in God's eyes, in God's plan -- JESUS SAVED THE WORLD.

I choose to trust God's plan is the best. That in the end, His plan wins every time!

Please pray for our teachers and students. Please pray for us as we walk this transition time. Please pray for the LORD to be glorified in all things.


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