A Little Editing

I started last week going through the blog; updating the newsletters, rewording the 'about' section, etc..  I clicked on the video of our first year in Honduras and the tears started flowing.  So much has changed, so much the LORD has done and accomplished.  I am humbled at every turn that we get to join in on HIS work, HIS ministry, what HE has started and what HE has done.  We are mere pawns in HIS great redemption story that HE allows us to be a part of.
The second reason for the tears was the voices of my sweet kiddos at the end of the video. At the time they were 11,9 and 7.  They sounded SO LITTLE.  I want to take them back there. Not let them grow up anymore.  But, I know that's not possible.  I am overwhelmed at the task of parenting them. And then HE reminds me.  They are HIS work, HIS ministry, HE started them and HE will do what HE has promised to do....complete a good work in them.  I am a mere pawn that HE uses to help point them to HIM.  Whewwwww....that takes the pressure off!


  1. yes...it is amazing how much has changed. Kids growing up, leaving the house, ministries being started, some ending. We are all here as part of His great plan, and I am humbled just to be a small part of it


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