de plane...
do you remember the show “Fantasy Island”? The little man that yelled, “de plane, de plane” at the beginning of the show? I feel like shouting, “DE ROOF, DE ROOF!”
In July of 2009 we visited Honduras for the first time. We went with Mike and Erin to view a piece of property as a potential site for the ministry. While we were still in the States preparing our move to Honduras the property was purchased and workers started constructing the wall. We hit the ground running in May of 2010. John began communication with Tom, the architect in California, and construction promptly started. Now, almost 2 years later (and A LOT OF SWEAT, TEARS, and even BLOOD) we are witnessing the faithfulness of the LORD in giving us the means and abilities to see this project finished! It is in His strength and grace alone that this facility will soon be used to share the gospel, through word and deed, to hundreds of kids and adults!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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