Our 2nd Rainy Season

     We are entering our second rainy season here in Honduras.  After the heat of the ‘summer’ this cool breeze and rain are a welcome relief.  Makes me ALMOST feel like we are having a fall day (still a little hard to feel ‘fallish’ when I am in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt).
     John has been busy trying finish up the house in Armenia that our summer teams were working on; in addition to all the other construction projects he has going on.  Click HERE to read/see pics of some of the construction endeavors.  John will be going to the States at the end of October for disaster relief training in TN.  After completing the training he will be available to be sent out by MTW on a disaster response team (such as Haiti).
     Kathy has been busy with the scholarship program.  We have had some hard issues lately.  One student, Alicia, has recently dealt with the death of a great-grandmother (expected) and an aunt (unexpected); some personal physical aliments; has been robbed twice and threatened - these are just a few things she’s going through.  Then one of our students decided that he no longer wants to continue in the program. Click HERE to read about him.
     Abigail is doing great in 6th grade.  She is vice-president of her class and tomorrow will be representing her class as 'India Bonita’ (national native representative in an Independence program - still think it’s HILARIOUS that the non-native kids are being the native representative - Bek was India Bonita last year).  She is already studying and preparing for the national spelling bee in February.
     Rebekah is doing FABULOUS!  Recently we have had her teacher from last year and her teacher from this year say she is doing so much better.  She was excited the other day when she was the only one in her class to make a 100 on a reading quiz (yes - beating her sister!); also, earning 10 extra points because she was the only one who knew the answer in Science.  She still has to work harder than the other kids where books and school work are concerned - but we are so proud of the effort she is giving this year.
     Josiah is our little ‘nerd’, as affectionately refer to him.  I ran into his art teacher on Saturday.  In broken English, “He looks always like a...like a... like a president.”  He is always well  put together and does everything slow, methodical and precise - just like his daddy! Several weeks ago the kids had a tae-kwan-do tournament.  Si was sad that he didn’t win any fights.  However, he is still just a white belt and he fought and tied with a gold belt before losing to him in the second fight!  We were VERY proud of him.
     Evan - oh Evan - what to say about that boy!  Had a conference with his teacher last week.  “He is so smart, but he just won’t sit still.  He won’t even sit down while he’s eating his lunch.”  Our reply, “He’s never sat still. If you ever get him to let us know how you did it!”  :D  Tomorrow Evan will be dancing a native dance with a group of kids from his school.  They have been practicing for weeks and he will be all decked out in a full costume (of which I’ve yet to see - supposedly he’s getting it today!?!?!?)

Thanks for all your prayers!


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