Yep....Teams Start Soon!

Since our first summer of hosting work teams we have had to endure the weeks before.  I say endure because it never fails that ‘something’ happens.  Crises, kids get sick, problems of some kind.
On Tuesday sweet little Anna McCann was hospitalized for pneumonia.  On Wednesday Kathy had horrible pain in her back, right side.  Thursday she went to the Dr and was told it was her gallbladder and would probably need surgery, tests were ordered for Friday.  Thursday night John and Leo both became ill with a bad case of food poisoning. Saturday Josiah woke up with the worst cough he has had in over two years, the dreaded croup.  Yep, short-term mission teams are right around the corner.  God has something awesome for those teams we will host - something He has had planned before we ever arrived in Honduras (before He even formed Honduras)!  The enemy, however, does not want to see those plans fulfilled and God’s glory shown in our little corner of the world He has called us to minister to.  Well....even in our storms we will praise Him!

  • We praise Him that Anna is home and doing better!
  • We praise Him that Kathy is feeling better, all test results came back normal and no surgery needed! 
  • We praise Him that John and Leo are eating again!
  • We praise Him that Josiah slept through the night and the croup cough is gone this morning!
AND - We praise Him that His glory will be shown in Honduras!

A team of 5 from Manor Presbyterian in PA will arrive on February 19th.  We are excited to start preparing for their week here!


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